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First off, a word of caution. What follows is a whole lot of numbers, "more than you can shake a stick at", you might
say. Take them with a grain of salt. For example, Storm Cat seems to be the best sire in the sim, with about 25% of his
offspring going on to win a stakes race of some sort. This means that 75% don't. Ultimately, your chance of success isn't
going to be much different if you choose Danzig or Unbridled instead.
The standings that I've compiled are based on "milestones". The basic idea is to avoid having any one offspring dominate
the rankings for a sire. Basically, I want to give you a realistic measure of what are the odds of getting a stakes winner,
an allowance winner, or a MSW winner when you breed a new colt or filly. For example, of the offspring that Danzig has
sired, about 18% have gone on to win a stakes race. These include the offspring that have raced at least 5 times, with a
minimum number of offspring to get into the rankings (20). These will be updated occasionally through the season, but
since they are based on the total history of the sim, they probably won't change radically. I've also include a "PI"
(performance index) that is sort of an overall ability to achieve the milestones for each sire. The main purpose is to
provide a single number to rank the sires. Finally, I've also included info about turf/dirt, sprint/route, and age preferences
of the offspring. I'm no longer going to try to rank the top turf sires, etc. The best measure is probably some sort of
combination of PI and percent wins on the turf, but I'll leave it to you to figure that out.